Hidden Orders: The Geometries of Edwin Lutyens
Architect: Edwin Lutyens
Host and Moderators: Robin Prater, Michael Imber, and Jim Lenahan
Presenter: Paul Knight, 2024 Lutyens Traveling Fellowship Recipient
Paul Knight first became hooked on the architectural beauty and mathematical rigor of Lutyens’s design work during a trip to India. During his travels as our Lutyens Traveling Fellowship recipient, he was able to expand upon this first introduction to Lutyens to further study the geometries underlying the designs at a number of Lutyens sites. This webinar focuses on Rashtrapati Bhavan, Lambay, the Irish National War Memorial, and Castle Drogo.
The Future of St. Jude-on-the-Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London
Architect: Edwin Lutyens
Host and Moderators: Marcos Lutyens & Robin Prater
Panelists: Ankie Barnes, Tom Kligerman, Revd. Emily Koltveit, Claire Williams
St. Jude-on-the-Hill was Lutyens’s first major church and ultimately his largest built church. The Central Square of the Hampstead Garden Suburb showcases an irreplaceable ensemble of Lutyens’s work as a planner and architect. St. Jude-on-the-Hill is an architectural marvel that is today facing major hurdles to its continued existence. Join us for a video tour of the church and its people.
Lutyens and Voysey: Unlikely Friends
Host and Moderators: Marcos Lutyens & Robin Prater
Presenter: Clive Aslet
An exploration of the personal and professional similarities and contrasts of these two talented and impactful architects.
Silent Witness: Lutyens’s Memorials & Cemeteries Within the Battlefields of the Western Front
Host and Moderators: Martin Lutyens, Marcos Lutyens & Robin Prater
Panelists: Jon Gedling & Lynelle Howson
The memorials and cemeteries of the Western Front of the First World War span a vast array of sizes and types. This webinar looks at some of the less well-known but still important sites created by the Imperial War Graves Commission, with particular emphasis on those by Lutyens.
Drawing on Glass With Soap: Lutyens Proportion, and Perception
Host and Moderator: Marcos Lutyens & Robin Prater
Panelists: Edward Ford & Oliver Cope
Edwin Lutyens’s early exercises in sketching continued to influence and inform his later architectural work. This webinar explores that influence on his perception of a design as a three-dimensional work, his process of adding and subtracting or carving and modeling, and his use of proportion.
Lutyens and The Gardens of New Delhi
Host and Moderator: Marcos Lutyens & Robin Prater
Panelists: Amita Baviskar & Swapna Liddle
A look at the renown gardens at Rashtrapati Bhavan as well as their relationship to Lutyens’s plan for New Delhi and to previous historic gardens in India.
Lutyens’s Lodges: Making an Entrance
Host and Moderator: Marcos Lutyens & Robin Prater
Panelists: Oliver Cope & Stuart Martin
Lutyens’s entrance lodges provide the first introduction to a home and serve a variety of purposes. As with most things designed by Lutyens, we found that the more we looked at the lodges, the more there was to discover.
Lutyens and Runnymede: Surprising Connections to America
Host: Martin Lutyens
Panelists: David Andreozzi, Anthony “Ankie” Barnes, Robin Prater
The names Runnymede, King John, and Magna Carta are forever entwined in history. This webinar explores the historic signing and how it came to be commemorated at Runnymede through the combination of an America woman, Cara Leland Rogers (Lady Fairhaven), Sir Edwin Lutyens, and the National Trust. Associated with the same site today is a memorial to John F. Kennedy, a Jamestown Oak, and a Magna Carta Memorial given by the American Bar Association. For Lutyens’s fans, the nearby Bell Weir Bridge was designed by by the architect and constructed after his death.
In Service of Lutyens: A Study of Kitchens and Service Rooms in Lutyens’s Architecture
Host & Moderator: Marcos Lutyens & Robin Prater
Presented by William Clarke, winner of the 2023 Lutyens Traveling Fellowship
This exploration of the often-overlooked service areas of Lutyens’s residential designs comes out of the insights gained by William Clarke during his travels and research as the 2023 Lutyens Traveling Fellowship winner — illustrated with his photographs, sketches, watercolors, and plans. We are grateful to those that helped William during his trip.
Lutyens and The Australian Memorial at Villers-Bretonneux
In Remembrance
Host & Moderator: Marcos Lutyens & Robin Prater
Panel: Jon Gedling, Candia Lutyens
The Australian National Memoria at Villers Bretonneux, France honors the Australian soldiers that found and died in France and Belgium during the First World War. Villers Bretonneux was the site of a decision battlefield engagement between Australian and British Divisions fighting against the German advance on Amiens.
Edwin Lutyens & Garden Design: Hestercombe
An Exploration of Hestercombe Gardens as a work of art
Host & Moderator: Robin Prater
Panel: Claire Greenslade, Tim Martin
Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll combined their talents to produce a unique and beautiful ensemble of gardens at Hestercombe. In this webinar, Claire Greenslade, head gardener at Hestercombe and Tim Martin, Arts Director at Hestercombe look at the results of this collaboration — considered as a work of art.
A Lutyens Bricolage of the BMA: Royal College of Art Interior Design Encounters
(British Medical Association Building)
Host & Moderator: Marcos Lutyens and Robin Prater
Panel: Tania Lopez Winkler, Sina Daryoushnezhad, Liza Kolesnikova, Jianguo Shi
The British Medical Association Building was originally designed by Edwin Lutyens as the Headquarters for the Theosophical Society. The completion of the building was interrupted by the First World War. Afterwards the building was abandoned before being bought by the British Medical Association, who then made changes and additions.
This webinar traces the history of BMA House along with the experiences of three students of the Royal College of Art and their professor as they found innovative ways to engage with the building and share their experiences.
Edwin Lutyens: Lessons in Entrepreneurship
Moderator: James Cramer
Panel: Mark Lutyens, Robin Prater, Jane Ridley
Host: Martin Lutyens
A look at how Lutyens developed his architectural practice to support the design of over 800 works. What did he have to overcome? How did he structure his office? How did he attract clients? What risks did he take?
Great Dixter – Architect and Gardeners
Edwin Lutyens and the Lloyd Family
Panel: Fergus Garrett and Charles Hind
Host & Moderator: Robin Prater
When Edwin Lutyens first came to Great Dixter, he found a fifteenth-century house – the property of Nathaniel Lloyd – that had been greatly changed over time. His commission was to bring the house back to life. In addition to restoring the original house, architect and owner found and re-erected an early sixteenth century hall house on the property – joining both pieces with a Lutyens’s addition providing domestic quarters for the house. Over the years, the interplay of the garden and the house at Great Dixter have become world-renown.
The Irish National War Memorial Gardens:
Islandbridge, Dublin, 1919 – Today
Panel: David Averill, Angela Rolfe, Tim Skelton
Host & Moderator: Robin Prater
The Irish National War Memorial commemorates the 49,400 Irish men who lost their lives during the First World War. This last of Lutyens’s war memorials to be built has a unique history and shows the benefits of the development of his ideas during his work with the War Graves Commission.
Munstead Wood:
Miss Jekyll’s Surrey Home 90 Years On
Panel: Clive Aslet, Annabel Watts
Host & Moderator: Robin Prater
Visit Munstead Wood, one of Edwin Lutyens’s most iconic early Arts and Crafts houses. Designed as the home of Gertrude Jekyll, Munstead Wood illustrates the ways in which the pair worked together to integrate house and garden seamlessly.
Hunt & Lutyens: Biltmore & Drogo
A Tale of Two Castles
Panel: Anthony “Ankie” Barnes, Tom Kligerman
Host & Moderator: Martin Lutyens & Robin Prater
Perhaps an unexpected pairing, Biltmore and Castle Drogo share many common bonds — both built by the premier architect of the day in their respective countries, both built to secure the family position in society, both built in the midst of acres of land overlooking beautiful countryside — yet both so different architecturally as to provide valuable insights in their contrast.
Lutyens’s Elevations:
Evolutions and Revelations
Panel: Oliver Cope, Stuart Martin
Host & Moderator: Martin Lutyens & Robin Prater
Four Lutyens’s houses – Tigbourne Court, Homewood, Middlefield, and Gledstone Hall — serve as a starting point for a discussion of common elements within Lutyens’s design of exterior elevations.
Lutyens and Lindisfarne
Castle, Fortress, or Country Home?
Panel: Nick Lewis, Hugh Dixon
Host & Moderator: Martin Lutyens & Robin Prater
In January of 1908, Edward Hudson telegraphed Edwin Lutyens to let him know that he had gotten Lindisfarne Castle. The two then proceeded to transform Lindisfarne for use as a holiday home. Their collaboration drew notice from the Prince and Princess of Wales (future King George and Queen Mary), who visited in July, 1908. Today Lindisfarne is owned by the U.K. National Trust.
Thiepval: The Memorial to The Missing of the Somme
The Imperial War Graves Commission and Sir Edwin Lutyens
Panel: Jon Gedling, Martin Lutyens
Host & Moderator: Robin Prater
Lutyens’s Memorial to the Missing of the Somme was designed to honor the thousands of men of the United Kingdom and South African forces who died fighting in the Somme and who have no known grave. Lutyens answered the call for such a memorial with a unique geometric composition that is a distillation of the classical tradition.
Restrained Harmony: Edwin Lutyens’s Creation at Nashdom
Katy Simmons: “Nashdom, Our Home”
Jun Huang: “Living With Light”
Host & Moderator: Martin Lutyens & Robin Prater
Nashdom, designed in 1905 for the Prince and Princess Dogorouki as a place for entertaining, has shown great versatility over its lifetime — at one time serving as a monastery and now as private residences for a new group of owners. This webinar looks at the rich history of Nashdom and at the lessons its design still holds for architects today on proportion and massing, adaptation to site, and the effect of light within a building.
Lutyens’s Churches in the Hampstead Garden Suburb
Timothy Brittain-Caitlin, Duncan Stroik
Host & Moderator: Martin Lutyens
St. Jude-on-the-Hill and the Free Church are part of the ensemble of buildings designed by Edwin Lutyens to complete his vision for the Central Square of the Hampstead Garden Suburb. Lutyens’s plan for the formal center of the development placed three linked squares around the Central Square, with each linked square anchored by a major public building. St Jude, on the South Square, faces the Free Church, on the North Square, with the Institute anchoring the east side.
Homage to The Salutation: A Hidden Masterpiece
Stuart Martin, Robin Prater
Host & Moderator: Martin Lutyens
The Salutation is one of Lutyens’s most masterful essays into Neo-Georgian design. Located in Sandwich, Kent, the seemingly simple and straightforward design holds a myriad of surprises and intricacies.
Lutyens’s Architecture in New Delhi: Politics, Planning & Personality
Swapna Liddle, Grant Marani
Host & Moderator: Robin Prater
Our speakers today represent the international interest evoked by the work of Sir Edwin Lutyens. Swapna Liddle is an author and historian with a specialization in the history of Delhi. Grant Marani is an architect and partner of Robert A.M. Stern Architects. Although Lutyens designed many buildings for New Delhi, this webinar will focus primarily on Lutyens’s work at Rashtrapati Bhavan (President’s House, formerly Viceroy’s House).
Lutyens’s Plan for New Delhi
A.G. Krishna Menon, Dhiru Thadani
Host & Moderator: Martin Lutyens & Robin Prater
In 1912, Edwin Lutyens was asked to join what became the Delhi Planning Commision, charged with advising on the siting and layout of a new capital for India. Although Lutyens went on to design a number of the buildings in New Delhi, notably Rashtrapati Bhavan, this webinar focuses on the theories and concepts of the planning for the new city. Martin Lutyens discusses the work at New Delhi within the context of Edwin Lutyens’s overall body of work. Dhiru Thadani looks at the connectivity between the planning of New Delhi and the layouts of other major capitals, such as Paris and Washington, D.C. Krishna Menon shares his insights into how the flexibility of Lutyens’s plan for New Delhi allowed the city to transition into the modern Republican city that it is today.
Lutyens at Lambay: Architecture and Arcadia
David Averill, Millie Baring, Stuart Martin
Host & Moderator: Martin Lutyens & Robin Prater
Lambay Castle is the ancestral home of the Revelstokes, Maude & Cecil Baring, and is still protected by their family today, four generations later. The original Old Fort was built in the late 15th/early 16th century. The Lutyens Guest Wing and renovations were added in 1908-1910. Referred to as one of Lutyens’s finest examples of domestic architecture, the two sections of Lambay Castle complement each other perfectly and are seamlessly, almost invisibly, connected by a long central corridor that runs beneath the East Terrace.
Gertrude Jekyll and the Garden at Upton Grey
How is a Jekyll Garden different without Lutyens?
Rosamund Wallinger (Upton Grey), Claire Greenslade (Hestercombe); Host: Martin Lutyens
Lutyens’s Plans: Accommodation and Enrichment
Oliver Cope, Stuart Martin; Host and Moderator: Martin Lutyens & Robin Prater
Lutyens and The Cenotaph: Architecture of Profound Geometry
Clive Aslet, Jane Ridley; Host and Moderator: Martin Lutyens & Robin Prater
Lutyens: Speaking to the 21st Century – The Relevance of Lutyens to Contemporary Design
Peter Inskip, Kulapat Yantrasast; Host: Martin Lutyens
Encounters at Greywalls: Lutyens in Scotland
Paul Whalen, Douglas, Wright, Robin Prater with special guest Ros Weaver, Host: Martin Lutyens
An exploration of Lutyens’s design at Greywalls in Scotland through the eyes of two architects, an historian, and an owner.
City Beautiful on the Rand: Lutyens in South Africa
Anthony “Ankie” Barnes, Mervyn Miller, Martin Lutyens
A discussion and history of Edwin Lutyens’s work in South Africa.
Edwin Lutyens came to South Africa following the footsteps of his then close friend, Herbert Baker. Designed before their work together in Delhi, Lutyens’s designs for the Johannesburg Art Gallery and the Rand Regiments Memorial provide interesting insight into the evolution of Lutyens’s body of work.
Arts and Crafts Beginnings: The Story of Goddards
Michael Imber, Tom Kligerman, Martin Lutyens
Overview of Lutyens designs of furniture and lighting. Not only did Edwin Lutyens design the iconic Lutyens Bench, but he designed lighting fixtures, tables, chairs for private homes and gardens, as well as public buildings.
The Life and Legacy of Sir Edwin Lutyens
Martin Lutyens, Robin Prater, Jane Ridley
An overview of the career and life of Sir Edwin Lutyens, spanning from the American Civil War to the Second World War.
The Furniture and Lighting Designs of Sir Edwin Lutyens
Candia Lutyens, Alan Powers, Martin Lutyens, Moderator
Overview of Lutyens designs of furniture and lighting. Not only did Edwin Lutyens design the iconic Lutyens Bench, but he designed lighting fixtures, tables, chairs for private homes and gardens, as well as public buildings.
Lutyens and the British School at Rome
Hugh Petter, Stephen Milner
The British School at Rome (BSR) is a highly respected research academy focused upon the art, history and culture of the western Mediterranean region, and upon contemporary arts and architecture. The building was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens originally at the British Pavilion for an international exhibition of culture and arts in Rome in 1911.
Lutyens and Jekyll: Architecture and the Garden Landscape
Virginia Burt, Sarah Dickinson, Janice Parker, Judith Tankard
Come with us on an exploration of the unique partnership between Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll, as we look at the spark that made “A Lutyens house and a Jekyll garden” something to be sought after at the turn of the last century and still an inspiration today.
3D Modeling of Lutyens’s Proposed Liverpool Cathedral: The Greatest Building Never Built
Dr. Nick Webb, Jeff Speakman
A discussion of the design for a Roman Catholic Cathedral at Liverpool, based on physical and digital models.